Once you know which vitamins you should be taking, the best thing to do is create a routine. If you take your vitamins around the same time every day, you get into a good habit, and your body will thank you for that.
You likely won’t see or feel immediate changes; supplements can take weeks or months to integrate into your system, but patience and routine are key to seeing results.
Take the right vitamins
Take your vitamins at the same time each day
Maintain awareness of your vitamin needs
Remember, while getting in a routine is good, it’s always important to check once or twice a year to make sure that your needs haven’t changed. Additionally, always check in with a medical professional so you aren’t guessing about which supplements to take. Your doctor likely won’t be able to make a perfect recommendation as to which vitamins you should take, so the best way to find your perfect supplement match is through a personalized vitamin quiz.